feedback polldaddyheader

NOTE: This is an online version of the feedback form that was given out at our Community Congress on February 12th. If you weren't able to attend, posters and plan summaries are on display through the end of February on the main floor of the Buffalo and Erie County Central Library located at 1 Lafayette Square. You can also review the plan summary and full regional plan for sustainable development on our website

The partners who guided One Region Forward in its planning phase are getting ready to launch an “Implementation Council,” to track progress of plan implementation and support programs that get the plan done. It has adopted some general implementation focus areas which it will look to advance (see page 15 of the Plan Summary).

What do you think is the most important area for the One Region Forward Implementation Council to focus on in 2015?

As part of One Region Forward’s ongoing engagement around key issues that impact our region, the Economics of Sustainability Series will continue through 2015, supported by the Buffalo Niagara Partnership.

What types of “best practice” topics would you like the Economics of Sustainability Series to focus on in 2015?

Everyone can and must play a part in moving One Region Forward. Into implementation, One Region Forward will continue to highlight best practices locally that align with One Region Forward.

Are there projects or initiatives in your community or elsewhere in the region that you think exemplify the priorities of One Region Forward?

One Region Forward plan is “performance-based,” meaning it is designed to embrace projects of all scale and size that help us build a region that performs in line with what we value.

Pages 14 and 15 of the Plan Summary outline the Performance Base for One Region Forward. Which indicator do you think is most important for us to move as a region?

What else?

Please use this space to offer additional comments, suggestions, or ideas to help prioritize implementation efforts.